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Muna Blends Business with Design as AICREATIVV’s New Intern


IBTE student Muna Azlan begins her internship with a mission to turn her doodling hobby into a marketable skill.

IBTE student Muna Azlan begins an internship at Brunei creative agency AICREATIVV.

Join us in welcoming another intern to AICREATIVV, Muna Azlan! She is one of five students from the Institute of Brunei Technical Education (IBTE) and is currently working towards her HNTec in Business Management. However, from February to July this year, Muna will be shifting gears from the field of business into the creative space, with a particular interest in digital illustration.

Hello, Muna!

Muna is a visual learner: during secondary school, she discovered that she learned best from drawing diagrams or doodling alongside her notes. Looking back, her hobby of sketching and doodling stemmed from watching her older brother create art and illustrations in his own free time, going on to take a degree in Product Design at Universiti Teknologi Brunei (UTB). At home, the stairs are adorned with her brother’s sketches, and passing by them every day motivated her to keep expressing herself through her creativity.

“His art on our stairs is like his personal gallery of art, so seeing that inspired me to be somewhat like him but better. I also want to have my own artwork on the stairs!”

Muna Azlan shares some of her sketches and doodles.
Some of Muna's sketches during her studies and her internship at AICREATIVV.

Although Muna took the business route in her academic studies, she’s using this internship as an opportunity to see where her creative passion could take her. Under the mentorship of our creative lead, Amal Osmera, Muna will study digital illustration and design, with hopes of discovering how she can combine the things she learned in her Business Management course together with the knowledge she gains here at AICREATIVV.

We asked Muna what she looks forward to during her time here at AICREATIVV.

“I look forward to expanding my skills - I started with doodling with pen and paper, now I want to learn how to draw on Illustrator.”

Inspired by her older brother, Muna wants to turn what used to be a pastime hobby into a marketable skill. Having observed how we use digital illustration to produce logos, brands, and collaterals for our clients, Muna became motivated to develop her creative skills into something that can be sustainable and profitable, and we’re more than happy to be her guide! To begin her internship, Muna studied courses on digital illustration and typography as an introduction to the difference between drawing for fun and drawing for business. Additionally, the creative team members, Amal Osmera, Iman Shamsuddin, and Haziyah Azalmey, are eager to help Muna with any questions or advice she may have to take her skills to the next level.

“I’m not very good at communicating with people, so I want to learn to be more natural in my conversational skills.”

When we first officially met Muna, she was very soft-spoken and shy. However, as she got to know the team and vice versa, we witnessed her gradually putting her walls down and becoming more comfortable with speaking up. Despite her small voice, we also learned that she is expressive in her emotions, witty with her jokes, and not afraid to share her opinions. Being a good conversationalist is a valuable skill for any situation, personal or professional. However, we also understand that meeting new people can be scary and that it takes time and effort to develop meaningful relationships with others. As a person who expressed feelings of fear in similar situations, we’re nonetheless proud of Muna for stepping out of her comfort zone and allowing herself to be vulnerable.

“I want to improve the way I present myself and my interpersonal skills.”

Alongside meeting and getting to know many different people, Muna will also have the chance to participate in various celebrations and ceremonies. In the past, we’ve encouraged our interns to take part in and attend events that require one to put on a professional hat, such as the UBD Career Fair, the 2023 National Youth Day exhibition, and most recently, our MoU signing ceremony with one of Brunei’s higher education institutes, Kolej International Graduate Studies (KIGS), during their 15th biannual creative exhibition “VIBE”. Being a part of these events is a great way to give interns and team members alike a firsthand experience of the usual atmosphere attached to such occasions, and teaches us how we should present ourselves in similar situations in the future. As Muna progresses through her internship, by grasping as many opportunities as she can to get out of her comfort zone and learn something new, we’re sure that she will come out of her internship experience more confident in her people skills.

Muna’s Internship Journey Begins

Muna shows great promise in her growth, speeding through her courses and executing her practice tasks with meticulous care. Her drive to do well and learn a lot is only fueled by her aspirations to make something meaningful out of her time here. In the future, Muna hopes that she can use the skills that she gained to enhance her capabilities as a multitalented individual, regardless of the profession that she takes. We’re grateful to Muna for choosing us to join her on this quest for knowledge, skills, and self-improvement!

Let's make the magic happen together!

IBTE student Muna Azlan begins an internship at Brunei creative agency AICREATIVV.


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