Najihah Osmera and Iman Shamsuddin join the AICREATIVV team, two years after its successful launch.
AICREATIVV has evolved from a design duo to a multidisciplinary creative agency in just two years since its launch, a milestone that was celebrated in November of 2022. They have collaborated with creatives across multiple fields and industries in order to deliver the services that they do, from creating a brand to creating social media content.
But it became increasingly clear to founders Imamull Qhaeer and Amal Osmera, as AICREATIVV garners attention and projects pile up, that an expansion was needed. Enter the picture Najihah Osmera and Iman Shamsuddin, AICREATIVV’s new creative copywriter and creative designer! Imamull and Amal are thrilled to have them on board.
A World of Words
Najihah Osmera is taking the role of Lead Creative Copywriter at AICREATIVV.
Najihah was outsourced by AICREATIVV for multiple projects in 2022, and never failing to deliver, it only made sense that she joined the team full-time. With a degree in Psychology at King’s College London, she has a knack for understanding how words influence emotions and behaviour, a skill that has been proven useful in creating impactful content.
She has a natural affinity with words, and finds inspiration in fiction novels of various genres. As a creative copywriter, Najihah conceptualises, proposes and creates copywriting content for clients, as well as the company socials and website. She translates the brand strategy and identity design from AICREATIVV’s Discovery Session into copywriting content that matches the clients’ visions.
Learn more about Najihah here.
The Brush Stroke of Genius
Iman Shamsuddin is taking the role of Lead Creative Designer at AICREATIVV.
AICREATIVV first collaborated with Iman at the National Theatre Festival Brunei in 2022, where AICREATIVV was partner and the lead team in Design and Marketing. Iman’s professionalism and diligence shone through in her role as secretary, and along with her positive energy, she fits in with the team perfectly.
With a background in Design and Creative Industries at Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD), Iman is a natural with Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. Her lifestyle nurtures creativity, expressing her art through digital illustration and dance, and surrounding herself with loving friends, family and cats.
As a creative designer, Iman conceptualises, proposes and creates creative content for clients, as well as the company socials and website. Working alongside the brand strategist and copywriter, she translates these elements into a Brand Identity that is in line with our clients’ visions.
Learn more about Iman here.
Setting Sail Towards Success
With two new members now aboard the AICREATIVV ship, founders Imamull Qhaeer and Amal Osmera are looking forward to moving forward as a team, making waves and sharing their journey along the way. They continue to be ambitious, with three more positions opening soon, and talks of taking in interns some time later this year. They hope that this expansion will be a fruitful endeavour, building the company through growth, collaboration, and making the magic happen together.